Thursday, February 25, 2010

Makayla's First Playdate

Maria and her son Eric came over 2 Saturdays ago so we could see each other's babies.

feb 13 Eric & Makayla

Eric & Makayla

Eric is 12 days younger than Makayla and about 6 lbs heavier than her! He is like double her size. Eric is the true definition of a little err big man and Makayla a little lady. Such extreme opposites.

baby swap

Baby swap! :)

Maria with Makayla

Maria with Makayla

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 months old

Picture 160
Dear Makayla,

Today you are 2 months old. You have done alot of growing in the last month and are getting so big! You are almost 9lbs now. You still fit a few newborn sleepers but are mostly in to 0-3 months now. Outfits are still too big though. You are still in newborn diapers as well, but this pack is almost done and then I am going to start you in size 1 diapers. They are still very big on you but I have alot of size 1's to use.

You started rolling at 4 weeks 5 days and have done it several times since. You can only roll from your tummy to back. You get really frustrated when you try to roll from back to tummy because you can't do it yet. You rolled over for daddy for the first time today. He was so proud of you.

You smile all the time now. In the last few days you have started to find your voice as well. I'm sure very soon you will be 'talking' non stop. It is nice you are learning to do something besides crying to express yourself.

Mommy has learned most of your tricks now. It is funny to watch others try to calm you because they don't know your tricks. The normal cuddling and rocking doesn't usually work.

Makayla, keep growing, you make us so proud.



Picture 165

mommy & Makayla 2 months

Monday, February 15, 2010

Crib set

Below is the bedding Aunty Courtney and Uncle Jason bought Makayla. We love it. Thanks guys!!! :)

Picture 119
I think it goes so well with the dark wood!

Picture 120

Picture 125
Here is Makayla having a nap with the new bedding all set up for the first time.

The boppy pillow is from Diana & Martin. It is a lifesaver for naps during the day since she doesn't sleep as deeply and wakes up whenever I lie her flat in the crib. She either sleeps in her swing or boppy for naps, and the crib at night.

Now I just need to organize the bookshelf and maybe hang some artwork on the wall.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm feeling much better now! I went for a walk around 1pm and finally got Makayla in to a deep sleep. I managed to get a nap for 3 hours! Yay!

At least Makayla wasn't crying all day while she was awake. She was actually very pleasant, smiling and cooing. Her being awake all day would have been great normally if I hadn't just been so exhausted from the last 3 nights.

Anyway I'm off to bed now. She is asleep! Fingers crossed for a better night tonight :)
Ug. I am so in need of sleep. I've basically been awake since 2:30AM. Makayla woke up at 2:30AM, was awake until 4:15AM, I got 45 min or so of sleep only for her to wake up again at 5:00AM. I finally got back to bed at 7:00AM and yep guess what Makayla woke up at 7:30. I've been awake ever since! Makayla just won't go to sleep! She drifts off briefly and as soon as I go to put her down her eyes pop wide open. I am seriously so exhausted. The last 3 nights her schedule has totally gone. She wakes up alot more often and stays awake. Ahhhh I really hope she gets back in to her schedule soon and this isn't a new schedule emerging. I'm just beat right now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My new baby calming trick bouncing up and down on my exercise ball. This works like a charm. In a few minutes Makayla is either totally calmed down or fast asleep.

It sure beats walking around the house moving vigorusly, constantly changing Makayla's position for 1/2 hour to an hour until she calms down!

I only wish I had thought of this sooner.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

That felt good!

Picture 104

(Makayla's 1st outfit that isn't a sleeper!)

Sometimes with having a baby it is so hard to get things done. I often feel like I barely have time to eat or pee, let alone keep the house clean, organize, upload photos, go for walks and do all those other things that need/want to be done.

Picture 108

Today however was a success! Makayla woke up at 8am, I nursed her, 'played' with her for a bit, then met up with Talise for a good walk at 9am, hung out at her place for awhile, returned my pump I had rented (finally), came home MADE lunch and actually ate it all in one sitting with no interuptions (amazing!). I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, sanitized all my bottles and pumping equipment, packed them up, organized Makayla's clothes from her shower by size and put them in storage containers, Meghan dropped by for a visit, then I set up her new bedding set, did her footprintts, and tidied the dining room! Whew, that is alot for a day with a baby. I hope tomorrow to be just as successful! I have so much I want to do.


Yesterday was Makayla's 6 week appt. She now weighs 7lbs 15oz! At 4 weeks she was 7lbs 1oz and at 5 weeks 7lbs 8oz. She is still in the bottom 5percentile but has moved up from 3%. Dr. O is very happy with her weight gain and growth. We don't have another Dr's appt for 4 weeks.


(New Years Eve 2009)

1 month birthday!

(originally written at 1 mth)

Dear Makayla,

Today you are one month old. I am amazed by how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday you were born. I remember holding you in my arms for the first time, you were a stranger yet instantly I was in love. Over the last month that love has grown imensely. It is a different kind of love, the kind of love only a parent has for their child. The kind of love only other parents would understand. It is a love so powerful it hurts. When you were first born the love I felt for you made me scared - I had never been scared to love someone before you. I was scared because I feared for you and all the unknowns. You were so little, tiny and new, 100% reliant on us. As I watched you grow and become stronger I relaxed. Now I couldn't be happier or more relaxed. God is in control, I do not need to fear.

In the past month you have changed and grown so much. You started out at 5lbs 7oz, dropped down to 5lbs the day you were born and now you weigh just over 7lbs. Many say you are still so tiny but to me you are huge! You no longer fit premie clothes, but, *gasp* fill out newborn clothing nicely and I'm guessing in the next 2 weeks or so many of them will be too small.

Yesterday I am almost certain you smiled for the first time. It was not just a 'gas' smile, I saw that sparkle in your eye. There is even a chance you smiled 3 times last week for Aunty Natasha and Shelley, but as I did not see I cannot be certain.

You now hold your head up well, you are very alert and love to look around. You love to be naked and just move and kick on a blanket. You love the bath and are very content to float in warm water. You don't like to be swaddled or held ALL the time anymore. Although truthfully you like to be held at least 90% of the time you are awake.

Oh and have I mentioned you have a good set of lungs and you definitely know how to use them?!?!

Your dad and I think you are the cutest most adorable, baby girl in the whole world! Of course every parent thinks that, but really you are! Every expression and sound you make is the cutest thing ever.

Makayla, you have made us a family.

I love you so much, forever and always

xoxo, your mommy

Picture 028
(Dad & Makayla at 1 month)
Picture 066
(Mom & Makayla at 1 month)

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Beginning

I wanted a blog, or a journal as such to record milestones, stories and adventures of our 'new' family. Something to look back on in the future. I hope this to be a place where family and friends can keep uptodate with our lives and our ever growing baby girl, Makayla Abigail.

Well, let the fun begin!

Our little burrito, Makayla Abigail

(originally written 12/30/09)

Our daughter was born Sunday December 20th at 4:18am, weighing 5lbs 7oz, 18.5 inches long. She is just a tiny little thing. As a matter of fact she swims in newborn clothing. Words can't describe how much we love our little Makayla Abigail. It is amazing to love a small little human you don't even know.

Makayla's first photo
Makayla's first photo


love at first sight

our happy family
first pic of our happy family

chubby lil cheeks
little hands and feet

Makayla's little hospital nightie
Makayla's hospital nightie she wore most of the time while in the nursery

First outfit...thanks grandma
Her first outfit...thanks grandma. It is a premie sz 3-5lbs. The only thing we had that fit.

pretty in pink
My little cutie pie

ready to leave christmas day! yay!
All ready to head home Christmas day with our present

goodbye hospital! :)
We are very happy to finally have our girl home safely. She is the most precious thing in the world. I can't believe Makayla is 10 days old already. Time flies so fast.