Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aria Joy - 2 months old!

Dear Aria,

Today you are 2 months old! It will never stop amazing me how fast time flies. We are settling in very nicely as a family. Mommy is exhausted between you at night and Makayla's early mornings. I know it is only temporarily though and definitely worth it!

You smile all the time now when we talk/coo to you and are happy sitting in your bouncer looking around at everything. You are in love with your swing awake or sleeping. We try not to let you sleep in there too often.

You weigh 9lbs 7ounces and are 21.5inches long. Still a little thing, but growing nicely! I put away all your newborn clothing today. 3 month clothes are too big, but 0-3 fit well. You are now in size 1 diapers as well.

I know some people think these 'letters' seem silly, but I hope one day you and Makayla will both be able to read the ones I have written for you.



1 comment:

AmericanGirl said...

I haven't been on your blog in forever! I love all the pictures and I love these letters. I think they are so sweet! I can't believe I still haven't come to see you. I still want to come! Your little girls are adorable! You have a lovely family! :)